Share Your Story

Grocery list of milk, juice, eggs, ham, and roast beef. $48 and a us bank receipt showing the available balance at $33.86

Each situation is unique, but no one is in this alone.

By sharing your story and experience of struggle or triumph, you can encourage others, elevate the issue of hunger in community dialogue, and impact policy in our state. Stories could be used within our external communications, advocacy asks or fundraising appeals, depending on how you’d like your story to have impact. If you have a story to share, we want to hear it. Complete the form below to get started.

An example story submitted by a community member:

My name is Andrea. I am a SNAP participant and the head of my household. By March 13, all of my work income came to an abrupt end due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am self-employed and each of my businesses were impacted. In addition, I have two children who were now going to be home most of the time as in-person school was cancelled. I knew that my food budget would increase, and under normal circumstances, my SNAP benefits ran out about 2 1/2-3 weeks after they were added to my card each month. I was very worried about running out of food and having enough for all of us with no work income and higher food needs. I also have a child with extra health needs who is immune-compromised so I was worried about any of us getting sick and putting him at risk, which also impacted what work I could do.

The addition of extra benefits has removed a huge weight from my shoulders and relieved the stress of worrying about feeding my family. It also ensures that we are able to buy plenty of nutritious food, and not limit the choices of what I can buy. Before the extra benefits, when the pandemic started, I purchased more canned food, including veggies, to ensure that we would have shelf stable food and because it was cheaper. With the extra benefits, it ensures that I can buy fresh fruits and vegetables. As someone who is in the fitness and nutrition and cooking industries, and knowing the difference that fresh food and having enough food to eat makes in keeping the immune system healthy, I am extremely grateful for this help to my family.

My Story Form

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