5 Ways to Fight Hunger this Holiday Season

by | Dec 13, 2021

The holidays have arrived! For many this is a time for celebration. Though for some of our neighbors, this is also a time when food may be scarce and regular sources for meals may be closed or unavailable. What’s wonderful is that the holidays remind us to celebrate with those we love, and provide an opportunity to share that celebration with others. They remind us that we’re in community with each other.

How can we spread holiday blessings? How can we help fight hunger so that others in our community can celebrate without worry? Here are 5 ways to make an impact:

1. Do a fundraiser at work or with friends and family
Fundraisers accomplish two things. First, of course, raising money. Second, you help raise awareness among the people you know. Starting small with people you know personally is often the best way to begin creating change.

What are some ideas? Some people have done dog walks, yard sales, and even biked across the state, asking people to sponsor them. You can also set up a Facebook Fundraiser or GoFundMe and let people know that in lieu of presents, you want to work together to raise money to end hunger.

2. Reach out to your local community organization and see what they need – maybe its donations, maybe its volunteering
Your local community organization has been working on the ground the entire year and know what needs exist. Check them out on social media (and like/follow them!) or on their website. They might already share what they’re looking for online. If not, send them a quick email or message asking them what they need.

3. Spread the word on social media
Use your social media for good! You never know who in your life may be experiencing hunger, and sharing your support plus tangible resources could make a huge impact. Below are some ideas that you can copy/paste to your social media to let people know that you want to help end hunger and share the resources to do it.

Sample Facebook Posts:

I want to help end hunger. Hunger can affect anyone, and help is available. People can find resources to get food at HungerFreeColorado.org/find-food/ or by calling the @hungerfreecolorado Food Resource Hotline at 855-855-4626 (statewide and toll-free, in 150+ languages).

I used to experience hunger myself, and I want people to know that I support them. People can find food resources at HungerFreeColorado.org/find-food/ or by calling the @hungerfreecolorado Food Resource Hotline at 855-855-4626 (statewide and toll-free, in 150+ languages).

There are so many resources in Colorado to help find food. Find some near you at HungerFreeColorado.org/find-food/ or call the @hungerfreecolorado Food Resource Hotline at 855-855-4626 (statewide and toll-free, in 150+ languages).

4. Donate
Of course, donating makes a huge impacts. Reach out to your local community organization and make a donation so they can better serve your community through the year. If you’d like to donate to Hunger Free Colorado and their community-driven work, you can donate here.

5. Advocate
Advocating for policy change is one way we create long-term change. We’re working towards a future when all Coloradans have access to healthy food. This can’t happen without people like you sharing your voice – voting, contacting your elected officials and signing letters of support. If you want to stay connected and learn what policies are impacting hunger in our state and how to take action, sign up for action alerts here.

BONUS: Keep the relationship after the new year.
Oftentimes, there are many volunteers and donations during the holidays (which is awesome!) Sadly, that may be the only time during the year people take action. If we want to make long-term change, it’s important to stay connected throughout the year. The easiest ways are to like/follow your local community organizations on social media and sign up for their email lists. Also consider volunteering, donating, or attending their various events throughout the year.


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